Project Management for Start-ups
Is your business in its first stages of operations? A lot of people start businesses without even thinking about project management. However, if you are looking for a competitive advantage in the first few months of your business’ conception, hiring a project manager to aid you is a great way to get ahead, whether you’re on your first few projects, or you’ve nailed a few and want to fine-tune your processes to increase productivity.
The Advice Stand brings you experienced and skilled project managers that will gain an intimate understanding of your business and guide you through every stage of your project, ensuring that you reap the long term benefits as well.
What are our project management services for start-ups?
The project management services provided by The Advice Stand include:
The running of client projects for your deliverables from conception to completion, in which we maintain communication with you every step of the way
The identification of your business’ operational focus, so that all of your projects are in service of it, achieving peak efficiency for your business
The fine tuning of your deliverables so that they directly aid your business towards achieving your occupational goals, achieving peak effectiveness for your business
Why is project management important for start-ups?
Project management is important for start-ups because the first few months of a business’ lifespan is critical in making or breaking it. Bringing in a professional to help with your initial projects will not only help mould your organisational focus and articulate your vision for your business, it will also give you a competitive advantage.
What do project managers do for start-ups?
Project managers don’t just keep the machine going, they help build the machine the right way, so to speak. Through their efforts, they coordinate all of the different parts that make up a project’s team in order to ensure that their business goals are being met. A project without a manager is, to put it as simply as possible, a mess.
Project managers’ responsibilities include the following:
Facilitating team collaboration by encouraging communication and ensuring that all parties are focused on the business’ goals.
Communicating with the client to ensure scope is clearly defined and progress is well understood.
Determine optimised processes that the project team will use to reach their objectives as efficiently as possible.
Store and organise documentation so that they are secure and accessible whenever they’re needed.
Manage resources so that they are used only when necessary, and they are easy for the team to keep track of.
Track time so that the team’s goals are being met in a timely manner, and implementing corrective plans if those goals are not met.
Compiling reports for the sake of all important stakeholders, so they are always aware of the state of the project.
Managing budgets to make sure that the business doesn’t spend more than it has to.
What pains can arise for a start-up business without a qualified project manager?
Without a project manager to coordinate your team, your start-up can become intensely afflicted by the following problems, all of which are common for poorly managed businesses:
Stress that significantly affects a person’s capacity to work
Long hours that needlessly expend the team’s energy and resources
Unhappy customers, whose lack of business will definitely sink a start-up
Disenfranchised staff who are not bringing their maximum productivity to their work
Burnout which halts the efforts of the team and requires extensive corrective action to fix
Slow product development which gives other businesses a competitive advantage
Stronger competition, as other businesses with better project management will quickly eclipse yours
Do you provide project management training for start-ups?
We provide a project management training course that comes in two different iterations:
Informal coaching, in which we guide clients throughout the project life cycle, resulting in more confidence and stability once their project wraps up
Formal coaching, in which we offer larger training sessions and workshops to help hone project management skills as well as fine-tune methodologies so that they cater to your environment.
How do I hire a project manager?
If you are looking to hire a project manager for your start-up business, contact us so we can provide you with the project management that your business needs.